
Hi, I'm Mayeu

I mostly do computering, tea, and travelling

How to Import a Managed Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster in Rancher

This post contains affiliate links to Digital Ocean. It will get you $100 to test out the platform, and if at some point you start using it for real I will earn $25.

Digital ocean (DO) recently announced their managed offering for kubernetes. Rancher is a tool that helps you manage multiple Kubernetes clusters in one interface but it does not yet support the new DO offering natively, and I was wondering if one could import a DO managed cluster in your Rancher instance.

Turn out you can, here is how.

TL;DR: just follow the importer

If you already know how to use the importer for existing clusters then you are good to go. If not, just go there, chose the “Existing Cluster Import” option and follow the steps to import your DO managed cluster 🙂

Illustrated Guide

Here is a step by step guide on doing the import. It assumes you already have a Rancher instance running somewhere. (Here is a nice and straightforward guide on running Rancher on DO).

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=config-from-do.yml apply -f \

And voilà, you have imported a Digital Ocean managed cluster in your Rancher 🎉

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